Home » New evidence indicates Shroud of Turin shows EXACT moment of resurrection

New evidence indicates Shroud of Turin shows EXACT moment of resurrection

For centuries, the Shroud of Turin has been a major controversy. Imprinted by the body of a crucified man, the linen cloth is believed by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. Others, however, claim it is a forgery from medieval times.

How is such a mystery solved?

Experts have long gone back and forth on the garment’s authenticity, but today, thanks to scientific advancements and artificial intelligence, many researchers now believe that the garment’s authenticity can no longer be denied. They’ve even discovered evidence showing the exact moment Jesus was resurrected.

In his latest podcast episode, Glenn Beck met with one of the leading experts on the Shroud of Turin — New Testament scholar, pastor, and president of Christian Thinkers Society Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston.