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Why you should visit a monastery

In his Rule, St. Benedict remarks that a monastery is never without guests. Though he wrote this line 1,500 years ago, the monastery remains alluring even for modern visitors. The monks leave the normal course of […]

(Image: Greg Willson/Unsplash.com)In his Rule, St. Benedict remarks that a monastery is never without guests. Though he wrote this line 1,500 years ago, the monastery remains alluring even for modern visitors. The monks leave the normal course of the world behind to seek first the Kingdom of God. But the world has a way of coming to see what they’re up to, enjoying visits as an oasis from the loud and busy bustle of life. Monasteries have served as bastions of prayer throughout history and culture, forming schools, libraries, hospitals, hostels, pilgrim shrines and centers of agriculture and manual crafts.
